Article: https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/27/us/maryland-electric-vehicle-charging-trnd/index.html
And check out this update here...
Some may throw up their hands in frustration suggesting that if there is so much uncertainty related to impacts and their interactions, why even try? I'd perhaps liken it to when you're very sick and need to take a half-dozen or more medications. While pharmacology researchers seek to do the best they can to estimate interactions, there is no way to be certain, particularly the more in tandem are prescribed. So, when sick, do we just say no to the prescribed medications or do we usually steel ourselves to try?
"...they will not occur in isolation, but will reinforce one another in damaging ways. In some cases, they may produce a sequence of serious, and perhaps irreversible, damage."
- Article 19: Amend the Protective Bylaw Section 125-39, Site Standards. This article ensures that fire protection ponds for development projects must be located within the town's boundaries and not in another town.
- Article 20: Amend the Protective Bylaw Section 125-02. Definitions. This Section is amended by adding a series of definitions specifically related to other proposed bylaws below. Should those articles fail, the related definitions would be sought to be removed by floor amendment prior to voting.
- Article 21: Amend the Protective Bylaw Section 125-52, Ayer Road Village Special Permit. This seeks the amendment of a section of the bylaw that has been in existence since 2004 intended to encourage higher quality development in the C Commercial zoning district. However, due to a few issues with the bylaw, this has largely not happened. The key amendment is to increase development density from 0.2 (20% of lot area) to 0.3 (30% of lot area).
- Article 22: Amend the Protective Bylaw Sections 125-12, 13, and 14, Small-Scale, Medium-Scale, and Large-Scale Commercial Uses. This proposed amendment seeks to add a few uses and examples of other uses.